목록2020/03/17 (7)
def isIPv4Address(s): p = s.split('.') return len(p) == 4 and all(n.isdigit() and 0 True ??? SSIBAL def isIPv4Address(s): p = s.split('.') for i in p: if len(i)>=2: if list(i)[0]=='0': return False return len(p) == 4 and all(n.isdigit() and 0
def arrayMaximalAdjacentDifference(inputArray): return max([abs(inputArray[i]-inputArray[i+1]) for i in range(len(inputArray)-1)])
def areEquallyStrong(yourLeft, yourRight, friendsLeft, friendsRight): return (yourLeft == friendsLeft or yourLeft == friendsRight) and (yourRight == friendsLeft or yourRight == friendsRight) 굉장히 쓰잘떼기 없어보이지만 통과다 return {yourLeft, yourRight} == {friendsLeft, friendsRight} 파이썬의 set을 잘 사용한 예시
def palindromeRearranging(inputString): return sum([inputString.count(i)%2 for i in set(inputString)])
Two arrays are called similar if one can be obtained from another by swapping at most one pair of elements in one of the arrays. Given two arrays a and b, check whether they are similar. def areSimilar(a, b): return sorted(a)==sorted(b) and sum([c!=d for c,d in zip(a,b)])
Given a rectangular matrix of characters, add a border of asterisks(*) to it. def addBorder(picture): a = len(picture[0]) + 2 return ["*" * a] + ["*" + i + "*" for i in picture] + ["*" * a] "*"+i+"*"말고 i.center()쓰는것도 좋은 방법이다.
Several people are standing in a row and need to be divided into two teams. The first person goes into team 1, the second goes into team 2, the third goes into team 1 again, the fourth into team 2, and so on. You are given an array of positive integers - the weights of the people. Return an array of two integers, where the first element is the total weight of team 1, and the second element is th..